Kitten’s Gratitude
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Some cats do have more than one life, getting a second chance to a beautiful and happy existence. When a man saw this little kitten lying in the middle of the road, with its face facing the asphalt, he couldn’t continue his journey to work without checking to see if the kitten was breathing. Thus, he stopped the car and, to his surprise, he did see the kitten breathing. Without thinking about it twice, he gently grabbed the fragile cat and place it in his car, rushing to the vet. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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Later on, the man said that it could not ignore the small furball, as he is a cat owner as well, having two beautiful cats waiting for him to return from work every single day. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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When the man found it, the kitten was extremely weak, barely breathing but also refusing to let life go. Keeping the kitten warm in his arms, he waited at the vet clinic until someone had the time to check it. According to the vet, the kitten suffered a rather serious injury to her head, which brought it into its current condition, assuming that the kitten was either hit by a car’s tire or fell off a car. It is known that sometimes cats, especially young kittens, may hide in the bottom area of a car in search of heat. So, they sometimes get caught by surprise when the car starts and heads on the road. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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So after the kitten was checked by the vet, everybody had to wait and see what happens, hoping that the kitten will be strong enough to make it through. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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In order to keep a close eye on the kitten, the vet kept it over that day. At 4 in the afternoon, when he rescuer called to see how she’s doing, the vet was not able to give him any good news, as there were no improvements in the state of the little cat. They all hoped that she will feel better in the morning. The next day, the man did not hesitate to drop by the kitten to check on it, also bringing his wife along for her to see it as well. When the two talked inside the vet’s office, they saw that the kitten held its head up, being the first time the little one managed to do so. Trying to comfort the brave kitten, the two started petting her, when Phoebe, as they decided to name the kitten, managed to meow in a soft but sweet manner. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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Most certainly she wanted to thank her rescuers for not letting her on the road, giving her the chance to get better. Both her savior and his wife started to tear up as soon as they saw that she was much better, seeing just how much desire to live was in this small and frail kitten. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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After just a few days, the condition of the kitten changed entirely. Phoebe made an incredible recovery and managed to meet the family’s two adult cats, Willyum and Tycee. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Kitten’s Gratitude
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The two cats took Phoebe in and made her part of the family in no time. According to her adoptive parents, Phoebe is the best-behaved cat they ever had, which shows that cats can be grateful when someone offers them a second chance when they are in need.