Let’s Help this Little Girl


Dear furiends, cats of planet Earth, our human “slaves” need our help. I hear everyday about donations to shelters and that we should help homeless cats and rescue animals and stop animal cruelty. Yes I agree! But, what about humans? Who cares about them? Where would we be without them? If humans are not fine then who will take care of us, cats and other animals? How can we achieve “world domination” without our human “slaves”?

That is why I decided to help humans in need. Can’t you see that they need our help? I decided to do whatever I can to help those humans who really need our help with donations, food, clothes, cooperating with non-profit organizations and in any other way I can. It would be great if you could contribute in any way you can. Even sharing this with your friends would be great help. This way more and more cats will join the movement and all together can save our human slaves who love us so much! They do so much for us every single day, NOW it is our turn. It is time to say THANK YOU!

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This little girl needs help. Her name is Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun and she has a rare condition called Pantalogy of Cantrell. She was born with her heart outside her chest and needs treatment immediately. She is 6 years old now and her mother is unable to pay for her treatment.

I just donated as much as I could. You don’t have to donate a lot. More important is to tell others so they can donate too. If 100.000 cats donate 1 dollar then the goal is reached.


For more info about Bathsheba’s condition, if you want to make a donation or just want to wish good luck then simply click the button below.

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