Destroying the Steam Cleaner


This thing invaded my space and challenged me to a fight. Dad calls it steam cleaner. I had to show this thing who is the boss in here. The steam cleaner did not show any respect at all. I had to teach it a lesson.

I am Chapy, and this is my home. Anyone who comes into my home must show respect to it’s owner, me! Even if it is a cleaning robot. One day, I walked into the living room and saw this thing. I had to investigate it immediately. I started smelling and touching it. Yes, touching it. I didn’t hit it, well not at first.

And guess what happened? Nothing. The steam cleaner was not moving at all. It was pretending to be dead. That was so offensive and annoying. Like I am some stupid guy. I could feel it’s heat. Of course it was alive. Pretending to be dead? And what happens if I turn my back? That made me go crazy. I had to attack!

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The fight took a while and I was very cautious. This thing wasn’t moving at all. But sometimes it tried to hit me real fast. But I am faster than anything. I hit back, again and again. In the end I managed to kill it. I saw it leaving it’s last breath. I even saw it’s soul going up to heaven! It was a good fight! Rest in peace.

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