How To Brush Your Cat’s Teeth


In this video I will show you how to brush your cat’s teeth in 2 minutes. Actually my mom is going to show you because I am the victim. OMG where should I hide where should I hide? I better run fast! Mom is coming and she is holding a cat’s toothbrush! HELP!!!

Damn she found me and there is no escape! Too late! And as they say, if you can’t avoid something, try to enjoy it! Actually it is not that bad. I didn’t really like it the first time, but now I am used to it. The toothpaste is made for cats and dogs and it doesn’t taste bad. The toothbrush is very soft and it is impossible to hurt my teeth or mouth. Plus my mom is very gentle with my teeth so there is no pain at all. The only negative thing about this, is that it is very annoying when somebody else is touching your teeth. I would prefer to do it myself! But mom says I am too young for that!

Many hoomans do not know that brushing their pet’s teeth is a must. Just like hoomans, cats and dogs need dental care too. This way you avoid dental issues when they grow old and also bad smell. Yes, bad smell! My mouth used to smell sometimes but now that mom brushes my teeth once a week I am ready to give you a kiss!! MUAH!!

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As you can see in the video, brushing your cat’s teeth is not such a big deal. It takes only 2 minutes a week. I am sure most of you will say “hey Chapy, I wish my cat was so calm as you are. If I try this, I might lose my life“. Well, maybe that’s true hehe! But, you should find a way. You know your cat better than anyone so only you know the right way. Try to trick it with some toys or maybe some catnip. Here is what mom does. I am very active with tons of energy every day. Before mom brushes my teeth she plays with me for 10 – 20 minutes. I love chasing that mouse toy! After that I am so tired that whatever you do to me, I won’t resist!

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